The Future of
Blockchain Authenticity
is Now

NFT Verification

V-Fi is a platform for all your corporate NFT needs. From minting your company’s NFTs to enabling cryptocurrency payments, V-Fi creates and maintains a uniquely branded Web3 solution for you.

Benefits of Web3 integration

A blockchain-based ledger system enables the creation of an unalterable, aggregated, digital record of physical and digital assets for the lifetime of the asset.

V-Fi Verify

V-Fi Verify seamlessly authenticates your customer’s assets, physical or digital. Our unique process verifies ownership of both physical and digital assets while maintaining the decentralized anonymity of your “Minted” assets.

V-Fi Access

V-Fi Access provides your customers with the next level of brand access. V-Fi gives your customers access to loyalty programs, memberships, and event entrances (physical and digital) through NFTs.

Geofencing POAP

How it Works

  • V-Fi “Minted” NFT’s serve as your customer’s passes. Brands can utilize these passes for entry to physical or logical brand events or as membership passes to customer loyalty programs and experiences

  • Brands can configure events with attendees, dates, and locations through V-Fi Experience. V-Fi Experience facilitates touchless entry into brand events or locations, including geo-fences for an edge-free event boundary


V-Fi pay

  • V-Fi Pay utilizes underlying crypto wallets to collect and redeem loyalty rewards and purchase your brand’s goods and services, including your “Minted” assets

  • V-Fi Pay is an integrated payment processing system powered by integrations with most of the major wallets, including Coinbase and MetaMask

  • Customers can use V-Fi pay to complete in-store or online payments, receive discounts via ownership of certain NFTs, and drastically decrease transaction time


V-Fi mint

  • We will assist you in the creation, marketing, and offering of your client branded NFTs. We will provide you with a tailored go-to-market strategy determining whether to use private or public blockchains, evaluating size and scope of the offering, and analyzing potential markets. Each minted NFT will integrate within our app and speed up transaction time at the POS. Depending on software integrations, perks can be auto applied

  • Each Mint will be on a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain. The Mint can have as much utility as the business desires, and since it is backed by the smart contract the passes can be bought and sold on the secondary market and are very secure. The more valuable the passes, the higher the desire and the price, creating marketing for the business and value to the customers

Book a Demo

We’d love to show you how V-Fi can seamlessly authenticate your customer’s physical and digital assets.

Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch soon.